Divine Hello to All!
The coolest group: they are the Divine.
But what does it mean to be Divine?
Divine Being is a status: it is a set of values, ideas, accessories, beliefs ... well, it's much more than you might think.
And most importantly, whether it be a divine status, a way of being, even the men could belong to the category in question. How is this possible? Here we go!
Sometimes the risk is to reduce the Divine in fine clothes and pretty hair: of course, is that too, but not all.
In modern society, in fact, are proposed values \u200b\u200bof a certain kind: money, career, beauty, clear goals to be achieved every time.
deities are perfectly "modern."
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Beba Blog
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The first taste is characteristic of the Divine natural for the good things: clothes, accessories, hairstyles. Everything is beautiful, visually beautiful, it is interesting. No dress, no jewelry is "wrong" or out of place in the look of the person. Having
taste and want to prove; always be proud of what you are wearing, conscious that "the right thing at the right time." This is the first step of The Divine.
colors, matching accessories: all very stylish.
Subito dopo una forte fiducia in se stessi. Una Divina crede nelle sue potenzialità, nella sua persona: per questo non teme nulla. Non teme un due di picche dai ragazzi; non teme una brutta figura davanti agli amici; non teme neppure un rimprovero da parte dei genitori. Certa di se e delle sue azioni, nessuno può farle cambiare idea.
Essere Divina vuol dire anche essere così “forte” caratterialmente da potersi scegliere le amicizie. Tutti vorrebbero essere nella cerchia delle Divine, ma pochi possono farne parte.
Si possono amare, odiare, combattere o cercare: qualunque sia il sentimento che ci accosta alle Divine, sicuramente There can not be indifferent. And let's be clear, be indifferent is the worst thing that can happen!
why they are exceptional because they can not be indifferent, ever.
In one way or another "wake you up" a feeling, positive or negative.
understand better now what I mean when I argue that everyone, even the "male", may belong to this category? The answer is, as I said, very simple: to be Divine is not just a question of aesthetics. It is much more. You taste, passion for beauty, self confidence, self esteem, desire to succeed, to be continuously vortex in the center of the storm, without delay. Be envied, and why not?, Even loved, desired.
Divine Being is all about.
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Bye Beba