Poco prima di venire in UK, quando lavoravo ancora nel varesotto, chiesi ad un'amica londinese quali fossero gli stereotipi inglesi sugli italiani. Lei si sottrasse alla domanda con un sorriso ed un sibillino "vedrai da solo".
Da un paio di mesi, al lavoro, abbiamo iniziato un nuovo progetto in cui il lead engineer e' italiano, il customer interno e' italiano, l'integratore e' italiano, il contractor e' italiano ed io sono italiano.
Nonostante ci si conosca da quando sono arrivato, perche' Physically we are in the same open space, belonging to different groups had never happened so far to work together.
What was intended by management or that it is random, and certainly 'are all much more' easy: there are no linguistic or cultural barriers, and having regard to friendship (at least for now) really work as a team (even if someone here I've done management courses that could challenge that we are more 'group, but not digress). Of course the long-term work among Italians certainly does not facilitate the integration and improvement of English, just as they said in previous post .
fact is that the other day at lunch we reflected on this paternity 'Italian the project and a British colleague has annotated "Well, certainly will be 'out of a stylish product."
Here, this 'one of the positive stereotypes and perhaps even the most' imaginable.
We are considered a fashion conscious people (I would say more 'than anything else fashion maniac), much of what' and that 'and Italian' considered classy, \u200b\u200bthe Mini Fiat500 the heels of the machines more 'sold in supermarkets, food products are sold as delicacies and Venice and the Tuscan hills, led in many magazines.
So, for now the made in Italy 'brand still be spent, and perhaps it would be appropriate perhaps import / export but brain drain and' a label very much more 'stylish Agents Trade: D
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