Sunday, November 28, 2010

Doctor Saw My Small Penis

Safety first

Safety first and 'one of the company's mantra' inglese. Non che sia sbagliato, il problema, come sempre, e' quando si esagera.

Se il cartello "caution wet floor" che l'addetta alle pulizie mette ogni giorno fuori dalla porta del bagno mi fa sorridere, se il "mind the gap" della metropolitana ormai e' un brand che su magliette e tazze ha anche una sua resa economica, se "mind the head" mi ha salvato dai bernoccoli un paio di volte, quello che mi e' successo settimana scorsa e' stato veramente assurdo.

Il proprieario del mio appartamento ha mandato un tecnico a fare un controllo delle apparechiature elettriche: ha controllato il gas, la caldaia, l'aspirapolvere: tutto bene. Poi gli ho mostrato una lampada che era rotta, lui lo ha constatato ed ha tagliato il wire to prevent its use. Considering that I kept in a closet much I weighed.

Then I showed him another lamp into the lamp slightly damaged, and he has given a scissor kick to the wire. Here I stiffened a bit 'cause it would be enough to change a piece of plastic to fix it, but not' his role he says he identifies only one that can 'be dangerous and makes it unusable, not suggesting how to fix or repair.

I had heard of the specific 'work in the UK than Italian approach where you do a bit' of everything, but here it goes too far. One that makes it impossible to work dangerous devices and another that adjusts. This is not and 'division of labor, and' atomization (mcdonalizzazione?).

However the highlight was yet to come: the washing machine. He noted a joint sub-standard (without holding Ok this is' very dangerous) and did not think twice, "sorry mate, it's my job" and zak another appliance secured.

Now, as Nemo in the shadow we can 'but also live without a washing machine no, last Saturday, in honor of Italian approach to problems, and' armed with patience, tools and a bit 'of capacity' and made logical deductive his first speech by an electrician.

I am pleased to announce that the patient and 'healthy, is well and has already' taken its cycles di lavoro.


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