Tuesday, February 8, 2011

College Party Farewell

Gruppo Petrarca Basket /2

said that " It consists of an unlimited duration, Petrarca Basketball Association named Group , without any political orientation or religious and non-profit organization, whose goal:
• coordinate ' technical and financial management activities of a group of sports clubs that operate under the basket and Padua joining form and substance to the vision of sport presented here (From now on, the Company coordinates).
• Reparate annual program guidelines for technical and financial management for the company coordinates.
• be a point of reference for research and management of the Company to sponsor Coordinates. "
explore a bit 'this new association, not only to inform (this will think that the official channels and the press), but mostly out of curiosity to find out the names that lie behind the charges, the people who occupy certain roles.

We start from the Society coordinates (as defined in official documents): AD
• Junior Basketball Patavium;
• A.D. Pallacanestro Petrarca;
• A.D. Petrarca Basket 113;
• A.D. Basket Patavium;
• Centro Minibasket Castagnara.
Ovvero quello che potremmo definire "un ponte" tra il vecchio glorioso Petrarca Padova e il nuovo ambizioso Gruppo Petarca Basket .

Molto importanti sono anche la sede (la casa), il simbolo (che spesso comunica di più di tante parole) e i colori della nuova Associazione.
Nello Statuto si legge:
« La sede del Gruppo Petrarca Basket è in Padova, via Delle Scuole 5.
Il simbolo della società è lo scudo crociato del Petrarca Basket e i colori sociali sono il bianco e il nero

Black&White ;-)

E veniamo ai ruoli, ma soprattutto alle persone.

Presidente: Giovanni Boniolo
• Presidente A.D. Junior Basket Patavium
e Responsabile Centro Minibasket Castagnara: Paolo Benini
• Vicepresidente A.D. Junior Basket Patavium: Federico Tognetti 
• Presidente A.D. Pallacanestro Petrarca: Giovanni Boniolo
• Vicepresidente A.D. Pallacanestro Petrarca: Massimo Sguotti
• Presidente A.D. Petrarca Basket 113: Stefano Bellon
• Presidente A.D. Basket Patavium: Piermario Liviero
• Membro Alumni Petrarch's Basketball: TBD
• Member Alumni Basketball Petrarca: TBD
• Member Alumni Basketball Petrarca: TBD
• Director: Moreno Bovo

• Coordinator: Luigi Peroni
• Director with responsibility for budget and sponsors: Paolo Benini
• Director responsible for relations with outside companies: Richard Tognetti
• Director with responsibility for the management of sport: Piermario Livingstone
• Director with responsibility for internal coordination: Luigi Peroni
• Director with responsibility for all 'auxiliary activities: Michael Pagnin

• Maurizio Toniolo

• Michael Pagnin
• Marisa • Pierre Magnan

• Roberta • Fabrizio Di Buono

• Andrea De Franceschi

Source: Statute Group Petrarca Basketball .


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