Thursday, January 27, 2011

Funny Names For Tombstones

Tanti auguri e... tosi alti!!

go off the candles in Petrarch's house Basketball

Our goal is to train players. Tosi high . That's not to win championships, if it happens, well, for heaven's sake, but we must build the individual. Tosi high . In the past we have worked well, even now, then we have a little 'sitting down, we let go a little' grip, now we have to give a new thrust, even with the recruitment. Tosi high .

Estate padovana, come sempre con quell'afa che ti stritola. Tardo pomeriggio di luglio. Occhiali da sole Ray-Ban che volteggiano dalle mani alla fronte alla bocca, infradito floreale, largo sorriso sul viso abbronzato e rotondo. La t-shirt di colore sgargiante e i bermuda bianchi conferiscono all'uomo che parla un tocco giovanile. Tosi alti .

Parla dei giocatori, delle squadre, dei tosi alti, di quella che presto - a mo' di sfottò - diventerà la mitica soglia 1e90 (intesa come 1metro e 90centimetri). E nello Staff Tecnico bianconero già circola la battuta «Abbiamo trovato un ragazzo di 1e90.» «Di che anno è?» «Dell'88. Ma non matter. Just tell him that is 1e90 and he is happy. " Tosi high .

If they ever start a basketball league for players under 190cm, he certainly would not want to have anything to do. Tosi high . He likes to see these babies in the gym, maybe at the beginning clumsy and awkward, but that one day will be players of a certain level (each at its peak) and a certain height (at least 1e90). Tosi high .

Many will choose (or are found in) a life motto. A slogan. A phrase that encompasses and summarizes their thinking.
Some married the famous "trilogy damned" sex, drugs and rock & roll.
we are not sure, but the trilogy of our might ... sex, basketball and tosialti !

Pier Happy 37th birthday! Greetings!

unofficial blog from Petrarch Basketball
(which has the honor to have you as a reader)

PS: we did not write the true age of Piermario because he is so "young and cool" that we We do not believe ...


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